We provide professional land surveying services, including Topography, Tree surveys and all types of land boundary surveys, to developers and builders. We also provide Measured Building Surveys and Setting Out surveys

We maintain a well-qualified staff, highly competent field personnel, and office technicians who perform computation and mapping tasks.  To offer our clients the benefit of rapidly advancing technology, our equipment is constantly updated and expanded.

Land Surveys – true-to-scale record of existing topography & surface features establish the change in grade or elevation of land and constructed features such as buildings and roadways, which we frequently utilized for design purposes. Specific costs relative to the construction of proposed structure or any improvements needed for design can be determined more precisely if a topographic survey is completed prior to design.

The islands of Maldives are unique in its natural beauty. The crystal clear water around our white sandy beaches embracing the lush vegetation gives a unique quality to each island. The knowledge of the exact positions of the developments and actual distances between them gives the opportunity for improved development, especially in resort islands. Wave action that constantly changes the profile of the beaches makes our beach very dynamic. Frequent surveys by our surveyors give our clients appropriate data to well maintain these beautiful beaches.

Tress surveys locate significant trees on a property that is frequently needed for design purposes of our resorts or even within a community landscape in our islands.

Measured Building Surveys provide the interior designers with millimeter accuracy in internal floor plans, building elevations, roof plans and cross-section drawings.

Setting Out for residential & commercial buildings, resort islands, and construction & civil engineering projects with full QA compliance checks on-site.

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